Become a Member

•Who can join the RMC?

The RMC welcomes all prospective new members over 18 years of age. A membership form can be obtained from the Club Secretary

•Do I need any qualifications to join?

No. The RMC welcomes climbers & hill walkers of all abilities from beginner to expert. You don't have to be a climber to be a member. Instruction can be offered , if required, through a qualified club member via We also have mountain and road bikers, runners, swimmers and skiers in the club, so all outdoor interests are covered!

•What do I get from becoming a member?

You can join us on our monthly meets across the UK. There is an additional charge for the campsite or hut fees, but at reduced rates of approximately £10 per night . Access to some of the huts is only possible if you are a member of a climbing club. You also receive the RMC newsletter and membership of the BMC, which includes third party insurance and discounts at many outdoor shops.

•So what should I do now?

We recommend that you join us on at least one outdoor meet before you part with any cash (though annual subs for 2021 are just £26.00). Take a look at our meets list and see what is coming up, then pay us a visit at one of our regular meetups, or we are happy to meet up locally for a chat.

•Can I speak to a real human being first?

Certainly. The contact person for all general enquiries is Lisa Foster

If you email her on she will be in touch to arrange a chat.

You can also enquire about membership on