Meets List 2017
RMC Meetslist for 2017...
RMC Meetslist for 2017...
Meets are a great way to explore the UK and at approximately £10 per night for the hut or campsite fee, an amazingly cheap one too! Winter meets will consist mostly of walking and some occasional winter mountaineering. Summer meets can be a mixture of walking, climbing and cycling. We usually have a mixture of activities happening over a meet, so there is no requirement to be a climber.
Meets are a great way to explore the UK and at approximately £10 per night for the hut or campsite fee, an amazingly cheap one too! Winter meets will consist mostly of walking and some occasional winter mountaineering. Summer meets can be a mixture of walking, climbing and cycling. We usually have a mixture of activities happening over a meet, so there is no requirement to be a climber.
Potential members are welcome to try out a meet before joining fully, to see if it is for them.
Potential members are welcome to try out a meet before joining fully, to see if it is for them.
In the winter months we also meet Tuesday evenings at Warwick University Climbing Wall - 19.00-21.30
Click on a grid reference to show a map revealing the meet location. The exact(ish) hut location is indicated by the orange arrow.
20th - 22nd January : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
20th - 22nd January : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
Grid reference : SH713638
17th-19th February : Fronwydyr, LMC Hut, Nant Peris, North Wales
17th-19th February : Fronwydyr, LMC Hut, Nant Peris, North Wales
Grid reference: SH606588
17th-19th March: YMC Hut 3 Irish Row Coppermines Valley, Coniston
17th-19th March: YMC Hut 3 Irish Row Coppermines Valley, Coniston
Photographic competition!
Grid reference: SD292984
14th-18th April : Mill Cottage, Feshibridge, Glen Feshie, Scotland
14th-18th April : Mill Cottage, Feshibridge, Glen Feshie, Scotland
Grid reference: NH847047
28th April - 1st May : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
28th April - 1st May : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
Grid reference : SH713638
26th - 29th May : Sparkhayes Campsite, Porlock, Exmoor
26th - 29th May : Sparkhayes Campsite, Porlock, Exmoor
Grid reference : SS886468
16th-18th June : Presidents Meet, Low Lorton Campsite
16th-18th June : Presidents Meet, Low Lorton Campsite
Grid reference : NY150253
21st - 23rd July : Camping Yorkshire Dales
21st - 23rd July : Camping Yorkshire Dales
Grid reference : NYTBCTBC
25th - 28th August : Eggstock, Dracaena, Sennen, Cornwall
25th - 28th August : Eggstock, Dracaena, Sennen, Cornwall
Grid reference : SW361268
15th - 17th September : Carlswark Cottage, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire
15th - 17th September : Carlswark Cottage, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire
Grid reference : SK232755
13th - 15th October : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
13th - 15th October : Cwm Eigiau Cottage, Conwy Valley, North Wales
Grid reference : SH713638
10th - 12th November : Lowstern, Clapham, North Yorkshire
10th - 12th November : Lowstern, Clapham, North Yorkshire
Grid reference : SD736691
8th - 10th December : Chamois Mountaineering Centre, Ceunant, Gwynedd
8th - 10th December : Chamois Mountaineering Centre, Ceunant, Gwynedd
Christmas Dinner Meet
Grid reference : SH532608
Links to previous years' meets lists: 2016